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Image: Ani-toon Brick House under construction on a sun-lit hill.

Throughout production, I had to fall on my face, willingly a great many times. Watch the "Falling Bloopers" video below to find out how many. When I was wrapped up in the "pie-trap-net," stumbling backward to trip over the Pigs' "log-bench," (which you'll learn was actually just a bench with a cloth over it,) I had to ensure I didn't tip it over, even if I had a pie on my face.
Depicted: A very quick blooper compilation of the falls taken throughout the production of the Pilot Episode. Some are with color correction and some are not. Some falls, very clearly, were better than others, and some shots didn’t come out very well. I did not have any padding or safety equipment through the duration of the “stunts,” if they may be so-called. For the “Pie-Trap” portions, the difficulty was not tipping over the bench, which would invalidate the take. The pie on my face entirely blinded me for the far angle. The net also restrained my arms when I would fall backward. The “bonus falls” were takes of the pie-net-launcher launching the pie crust into my face, in which I had to pretend to fall. The issue was that it was difficult to time to make it look realistic—excepting the last-most instance, in which I actually fell over. There was actual whipped cream in the pie crust during the shots, except for the pie-launcher ones, in an attempt to avoid staining the Wolf outfit (though his bow tie was became stained in a later shot of the production anyway).

"Stories and Fantasy" Button that will take you from the Production Page to the Stories and Fantasy Page.
"Memes" Button that will take you from the About Page to the Memes Page.
Ozzie's Secret Page Button that will take you to the About Page.
Text: "About."
Image: Ani-toons, including the RTT hat, tuba, books, black and white steamboat, and brick house.
Ozzie's Secret Page Button that will take you to the Books Page!
Text: "Books"
Image: A stack of books being gestured to by the RTT, "Bread-and-Butterflies With Tea" on top.