Stories and Fantasy
All of these stories I do so adore; and rest assured, if you enjoy them yourself, there will soon be more. In the wonderful wide world of RHYME TIME TALES, you see, there are so many creatures to know and so many places to be. Learn of the Realms of Fantasy and my town of Alltrades on the maps below, and click on the characters to let their biographies show. —The Rhyme Time Teller

The Big Band Wolf and the Three Little Pigs play music as the RTT watches with his golden cane.
The Characters in Fantasy are the most whimsical, delightful, chaotic, amusing, and mysterious people and creatures, if ever you meet them. You know of many of these, very likely, through the stories, nursery rhymes, common phrases, and even literary terms they inspired through myth and folklore; but, if you please, you can now become personally acquainted with them. And they, you should know, are all acquainted with one another in some manner, at least in passing, on the winding roads of Fantasy.
The Rhyme Time Teller

The Rhyme Time Teller

He always speaks in rhyme, dresses in a splendid indigo hat and jacket, and uses a shiny golden cane. He is the author of RHYME TIME TALES, beginning with “The Big Band Wolf and the Three Little Pigs,” and the librarian of the Fantastical Alltrades Library. Characters and Creatures come from across the Realms to his Library for information, wisdom, and companionship.

The RTT—he is sometimes called that—is telling the most sensational stories, about all kinds of absurdities and wonders, to those who most want (and need) to hear them. No one knows how old he is, though some think he is the oldest being in Fantasy. He never changes, in any case.

His cousin is the Mad “Maddy” Hatter, and he has a begrudging friendship with the Cheshire “Chessy” Cat. Merlin the Wizard and Glinda the Good also come often to his library. He knows the Queen of No-Context and Gram R. King particularly well. He lives at 221A Baker Street, Alltrades, Storybook, and visits his sister and twin nieces, Dilly and Dally, often.

The Big Band Wolf

The Big Band Wolf

Most people say the “Big Bad Wolf” is a villain, but they misunderstand. The Big Band Wolf actually is quite lovable and clumsy, off-kilter and oblivious. He never had any intentions of eating pigs, sheep, or people, as the storybooks say, though he did want to meet some of them, to see if they were interested in joining his Big Bad Band. When he meets the Pigs, however, and his tuba clogs, and he huffs, and he puffs, well… he might have made the wrong first impression.

The Wolf, though rather goofy and uncertain of himself, was raised by a very respectable family around Pemberley (Northeast of Nowhere) and made many good connections in those parts, including a particular Princess.

The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs

It is not known today that the Brick House was owned by all three of the Little Pigs. While the Third did most of the building, the other two hauled the bricks up the mountainside and made certain the work could continue. They were not lazy like many people think; and when they heard (incorrectly) that a Wolf was coming to “eat” them, it was the Second Pig who set them on track, and the First who created a plan, even if it was a little ridiculous. That being said, they are still a comedic trio. They are Littles by adoption, raised by Dr. Do Little.

The Cheshire “Chessy” Cat

{Depicted: “Chessy” on the left, meeting the Big Band Wolf, right.}

The Cheshire “Chessy” Cat

Known for aiding Alice (later Queen Alice) in her first Adventure in Wonderland, Chessy might be the most frequent visitor to the Alltrades Library because he can come or go in the blink of an eye.

He thinks the Little Birdie is intentionally spreading lies. On an unrelated note, he also thinks the Birdie would be a wonderful snack.

The Little Birdie

The Little Birdie

“Heard it from a Little Birdie.” That is where you know him from. Like the Pigs, a Little by adoption, he spends his time flying around—sometimes through all of Storybook—listening in and overhearing news. He gossips often. He doesn’t spend much time with the Little family anymore, but he does cause all manner of chaos—intentional or otherwise.

Very Grimm

Very Grimm

Yes, yes, very few people know of… that person. He is always writing the stories he hears by candlelight, pulling strings here and there. Then again, all he hears and all he does comes through a particular Birdie.

He prefers to pronounce his name Very (“vah-ray”), when he has his way.

Dilly and Dally

Dilly and Dally

The twins who inspired the phrase “Don’t Dilly-Dally.” In Fantasy, they live at Fable Farms and often visit the Alltrades Library (though they are very bad at keeping track of time). Their uncle, the Rhyme Time Teller, has a soft spot for them, even if he would never admit it.

Carl the Lilliputian

Carl the Lilliputian

Captain of the Secret Military Avengement Legion of Lilliput. He leads his team of less-than-six-inch-tall Lilliputians throughout Storybook, and Alltrades in particular (because its close to Lilliput), causing mischief and confusion because of Lilliput’s grudge*. They change signposts, do graffiti, and more than anything they trip people with miniature ropes everywhere.

*If you don’t know about Lilliput and Blefusu’s grudge against Storybook and the other Realms, see the maps and details below.

Red Little

Red Little

Often known as Little Red Riding Hood—which is silly, of course, because “Little” is actually her last name—Red Little is the granddaughter of Dr. Do Little and the niece of John Little (or Little John, as he prefers to be called now, adding to the confusion). Her brother is Blue Little, mistakenly called “Little Boy Blue.”

The Mad “Maddy” Hatter

The Mad “Maddy” Hatter

There isn’t all too much to say of Maddy. He is from Wonderland; enough said. You might not know, though, that he has a cousin, the Rhyme Time Teller, and two sons, Willy and Nilly.



Lead Counselor to King Arthur, Wizard extraordinaire, and confidant of The Rhyme Time Teller

Glinda the Good

Glinda the Good

The Good Witch of the South and ruler of the Quadlings in the Wonderful Realm of Oz, she visits the Town Alltrades often. However, she might have more interest in the librarian than the Library itself.

Sir Iron Knee of Irony in Satire County

Sir Iron Knee of Irony in Satire County

A knight of Irony in Satire County of Storybook, he received a replacement iron knee (and the title of “Iron Knee”) after aiding Robin Hood’s Merry Men in holding off King John from crossing through Sherwood Forest into Storybook. He says the injury involved the Merry Men, a feather, and a funny bone that was bumped one too many times. Whether it was his funny bone or another’s, I do not know. He is allergic to horses.

A certain… disreputable rodent

The Rodent

We don’t… talk about him. There is a reason the Rhyme Time Teller is not fond of rodents. He’s more partial to bunnies, actually.

Ozzie the Very Fortunate Bunny
Ozzie's Rabbit Ears poking out of the hat.
Depicted: Ozzie’s Ears sticking out of the hat.


Well, for now, he hibernates in a particular indigo hat. But this is supposed to be a surprise, so I can’t tell you much more than that.

He’s finally ready, after so long in hiding, to again take center stage. Want to know more? You’ll have to find the hidden web-page.

Here is a riddle to help, if you can understand: What on the homepage is great for blowing down houses and starting a band?

Naturally, these are only a handful of those you might meet in Fantasy, whether you’re on the Road to Nowhere, or traveling through Wonderland, Oz, or other Realms. As more of these characters appear in future RHYME TIME TALES installments, more biography pictures and details will be revealed, but not everything should be said at once. The chaos and sheer absurdity that occurs when some of these fellows come together cannot be competed with.

RHYME TIME TALES Realms of Fantasy
Note: Like many Realms, The Wonderful Realm of Oz is made up of many different nations. The Nation of Oz, however, being the square-shaped nation within the Realm, has deserts all around, and four different factions. The Gillikans are to the North, the Munchkins to the East, the Quadlings to the South, and the Winkies to the West. The Quadlings (ruled by Glinda the Good) and the Gillikans are both friendly lands, with embassies to other nations and Realms of Fantasy. Alltrades hosts the Gillikan and Quadling embassies to Storybook. Two wicket witches control The Munchkins and Winkies, however. In the center of these four factions is the Emerald City.

The Realm of Storybook

Fairy Tales, Fables, Classic Literature, Common Phrases, all of it comes from Storybook, with very few exceptions. These characters and creatures that you know can be found all around. You can never tell when one of the stories you’ve heard will suddenly begin. That is quite the fun of it.

There are many types of stories, of course, from tales of princes and princesses to simple small-town fables. All are equally a part of Fantasy.

Wonderland and The Looking-Glass Fields

The Realm of Wonderland

Wonderland is without question the most obscure and brilliantly “mad” Realm, with some of the most ridiculous characters and creatures. The island offshore is Cartoonland Island, where the Ani-toons come from.

The Looking-Glass Fields Realm

Some say that The Looking-Glass Fields should simply be included under the same Realm as Wonderland. Given the fact that they have unique lands and ecosystems, however, they are separate.

Depicted: A sketch of a Bread-and-Butter-fly, native to The Looking-Glass Fields, alighting onto a tea-cup. This particular sketch was used as cover art for the book "Bread-and-Butter-Flies With Tea" By Frum. B. Snatch, Edited by G. Nat. The Rhyme Time Teller received an Ani-toon copy from Willy and Nilly, his cousin's sons.
Depicted: A sketch of a Bread-and-Butter-fly, native to The Looking-Glass Fields, alighting onto a tea cup. This particular sketch was used as cover art for the book “Bread-and-Butter-Flies With Tea” By Frum. Bander. S., Edited by G. Nat.
The Rhyme Time Teller received an Ani-toon copy from Willy and Nilly, his cousin’s sons.
The Wonderful Realm of Oz

“The Wonderful Realm of Oz”

includes the Nation of Oz, in addition to a number of other countries that border it around its large desert. The Nonestic Ocean is around the Realm. The Nation of Oz is home to the Gillikans, Quadlings, Munchkins, and Winkies.

The Round Table Realm

The Round Table Realm

Led by King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. They are cut off from the rest of Fantasy by King John’s Realm.

“King John’s” Realm

Formerly the Lionheart Realm

Renamed after King John claimed dictatorship, now at war with Storybook and the Round Table.

Lilliput and Blefuscu

Lilliputians and Blefuscudians

Lilliput and Blefuscu. Long at war with one another, now they’re after Storybook. They believe they should be their own Realms, in spite of their small islands, seeing as their islands are massive to them.

Petty Politics

They are both very political nations and, as such, are under the impression that they are much larger and more important than they actually are. The greatest example of this is their disagreement about which side to crack an egg on, big or small.

The 100 Acre Wood

The 100 Acre Wood

Located in Storybook near Sherwood, is home to an Outsider in Christopher Robin. Flowing through it is also the largest river in Storybook. It is often used to transport goods, such as Ani-toons, from Wonderland in the North all the way to South Storybook. This is called the “100 Acre River” where it comes in the borders of the Wood. Flooding is common as a result.

“Treasure Island”

Treasure Island

The southernmost island on the map. It is not labeled “Treasure Island,” because it is not called that by the people of Fantasy.

The City of Nowhere

Capital of Storybook

Home of Gram R. King and the Queen of No-Context, and the Capital of Storybook, a gathering place of the utmost importance.

The Rhyme Time Teller's town of Alltrades. His Alltrades Library is directly in the middle, surrounded by many other fantastical locations you might know from stories, including Old Macdonald's Farm, Baker Street, the Admiral Benbow Inn, and Netherfield Park.
Alltrades, oh my oh my, there is a great deal too much to say about this town! Storybook might have far and away the greatest congregation of fairy tale, nursery rhyme, and classic literature characters amongst all the Realms, but in no other place are so many exceptional stories to be found as in Alltrades! It is also the Rhyme Time Teller’s hometown, not to mention the home of his fabled Alltrades Library, which persons and creatures from all across Fantasy visit to seek counsel, information, and companionship. Below are just a few descriptions of the places to be seen, from stories that you know and common phrases, too—they all originated from Alltrades, of course.

Note: This particular map was a gift to the Big Band Wolf from his personal friend, Princess Reason, when she gave him instructions to see the Rhyme Time Teller there.
The Alltrades Library

The Rhyme Time Teller’s Library

Likely the most fantastical, wonderous, and unpredictable place in all of Fantasy. You might come across colorful and peculiar persons in Storybook, but it happens at least ten times as often in the Alltrades Library. You could never go in and come out again without being introduced to some favorite tale or creature of yours.

D. Little’s Vet Clinic

D. Little’s Vet Clinic

accepts various creatures and critters as patients, even Ani-toons. It both treats injuries and aids them in speech and language.

Ani-toon Emporium

The Store for all your Cartoon needs.

Ani-toons are created in Wonderland on Cartoonland Island, but shipped down to be sold in Alltrades at the Ani-toon Emporium. The Little Pigs bought the materials for their Brick House there, in addition to the straw and sticks they had left over.

Sherwood Forest

The Storybook/John Border

One cause for worry within Alltrades is its proximity to Sherwood, and King John’s invasion. However, watchtowers guard the border, and John has never made it past Robin Hood.

Little Cottage and Little and Tall Store

The Little Cottage

is home to Dr. Do Little and Grandmother Little.

The Little And Tall Store

The Little Family owns the Little and Tall Store and provides a wide selection of garments in all sizes. It even supplies clothes for Lilliputians. It is rumored that the fabled Jabberwock received his vest there.

Gulliver and Livesey’s Surgery

Two Doctors

was the first Storybookien to discover Lilliput and Blefuscu. Dr. David Livesey aided in the recovery of the treasure from “Treasure Island.” They are actually excellent friends. Gulliver was a surgeon before he became an adventurer, so the two run a surgery together.

Scott Free’s Attorney Service

The Alltrades Lawyer

Go figure that the only road leading into the Grim Forest—the only hostile place within Alltrades—would come from a lawyer’s house.

Gillikan and Quadling Embassies

Inter-Realm Relations

The Embassies to Storybook from the only friendly Oz Provinces, the Gillikans to the North and the Quadlings to the South, are located in Alltrades. This gives Glinda all the more excuse to visit the town, being the head of the Quadlings.

Baker Street


Known for being the abode of the great detective Sherlock Holmes.

"Jack is unquestionably the most popular name throughout Alltrades- you know a great many of these "Jacks" from your stories. The town is celebrated, additionally, for its talented workers and performers, so the name "Jack of Alltrades" is well respected in the Realm of Storybook.

RHYME TIME TALES Children's Books are available for purchase below, along with hints and summaries of future stories in Fantasy! Return to the homepage to see the RHYME TIME TALES Official Pilot Episode Trailer! We hope that Fantasy was either quite as good as you might have imagined, or better.

Ozzie's Secret Page Button that will take you to the Books Page!
Text: "Books"
Image: A stack of books being gestured to by the RTT, "Bread-and-Butterflies With Tea" on top.